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Can I afford a new website?

The simple answer is that with Website Development Svcs (WDS), you probably can.

Simplicity & Standardization: We develop our websites using the industry standard WordPress system and widely used vendor-supported components. These include:

  1. Themes -- Website development starts with the selection of a theme from hundreds of available business-specific themes (templates) or with one of our customized themes. Many themes are available at no charge, or they may have a premium version available for a nominal fee.
  1. Plugins -- Our websites' major functions utilize a variety of code-modules called plugins. There are two types of plugins, those visible to the web user/customer (login/registration, newsletter & bulletin email blaster, forms management, button display, events management, document control, etc.) and those working behind-the-scenes to perform housekeeping functions (cache management, security, website backup, anti-spam, search engine optimization, website analytics, media management, etc.). Many of the plugins that we used are available at no charge, but if extensive functions are needed, have premium priced versions.
  1. Widgets -- We use a variety of widgets to control the display of information on the web pages. The widgets control text, document, image and index display, and standard sets of these come with WordPress, themes and plugins.

All of the above, including the WordPress system itself, are fully supported by a cadre of software vendors who update their components on a regular basis assuring that they all continue to work together. In other words, someone other than you or the website developer performs most of the maintenance. The customer's or developer's responsibility is to design the website, select the themes and plugins, and provide the website's media (text, images and documents).

Low Overhead: We have low overhead as demonstrated by our office doorway (see image). Our corporate assets consist of a desk, a chair, and a computer.

Our website design and development activities are a hobby and not the prime way to earn enough to pay association dues. Our minimal expenses result in fair pricing for both development and any of the desired support options.

By Paul St Clair

Website Developer Licensed Community Association Manager (LCAM) Former Technology Director Electrical Engineer

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