Website Specs

Website Development Svcs (WDS) will build one of four variations/levels of websites depending upon the customer's needs and budget:

  • Level #1 -- Basic condo/HOA website that meets Florida Statute 718.112(2)(f) requirements.

  • Level #2 -- A level #1 website with additional options (as defined below).

  • Level #3 -- A level $2 website with still more options (as defined below).

  • Level #4 -- A custom website for any company or organization.

Level #1
Level #2
Level #3
Level #4

Basic Functionality

Meets all requirements of Florida Statute 718.111(12)(g)1:

  1. Provides a website that the Association can either own or lease.
  1. Contains sections inaccessible to the general public.
  1. Uses association or user-assigned usernames and passwords for access to protected sections of the website.
  1. Provides for the storage and unit-owner accessibility in digital format of the following documents:
    • The Association's governing documents (declaration, bylaws, articles of incorporation, and rules).
    • All executed contracts including the past year's bids for materials, equipment, and services over $500.
    • The annual budget and any proposed budget.
    • The annual audited financial report and any income or expense statement to be considered at a board meeting.
    • The certification of each director.
    • All Association contracts, documents or transactions with any firm that a director or officer has a financial interest in or may cause a conflict of interest.
    • Notices of board and unit owner meetings, including agendas, meeting minutes and any documents required for a meeting.

Provides the following additional features:

  1. Has a user-friendly "Owner" portal for menu access to website functions.
  1. Front-page slider with multiple (unlimited) association photos.
  1. Provides public (non-password-protected) pages including Welcome, About, Photos, Location, Staff, Activities, Rules, FAQs, and Contact Us.
  1. Provides for the storage and unit-owner accessibility of association newsletters and bulletins.
  1. Allows unlimited storage of member profile data such as unit number, email address, phone number, permanent address, etc.
  1. Provides an opt-out field for owners who consent to receive notices by electric transmission.
  1. Website users can register their usernames and reset passwords online including a "forgot password" option. Administrator/Webmaster approval of new users can be required.
  1. Simple page-to-page navigation through menus and "return to" buttons.
  1. Includes online website documentation accessible to the webmaster.
  1. All website functionality is achieved through standard WordPress features (html, photos and text) and popular, vendor-maintained plugins. The website contains no site-specific programming.
  1. Complete customer control and flexibility with limited dependency on the website developer.

Communication Additions

Includes all Level #1 features plus:

  1. Adds website user's ability to update, via a profile page, their picture, picture background (cover), and personal details.
  1. Enables search and sorting of the member directory.
  1. Provides vehicle and pet registration.
  1. Can contact the association to submit work orders or comments/questions.
  1. Ability to track and age work orders and generate member emails regarding status and completion.
  1. Ability to send bulletins, newsletters and notices to association members using an email blast function.
  1. Provides additional association information beyond statute requirements including:
    • Annual meeting and election requirements.
    • Official records requirements and accessibility.
    • Board of Director information including qualifications, standards, certification, position descriptions, recall procedures, and term limits.
    • Information on association committees (if any).
    • Process for dealing with unit owner delinquencies.
    • Forms used by the association.
    • Insurance policies information.
    • Information on leasing units within the association.
    • Association asset ownership and unit alteration regulations.

Full Featured Association Website

Includes all Level #1 and Level #2 features plus:

  1. Posting and viewing association events (special activities, social events, board meetings, etc.) through a current-month calendar and upcoming events listing. Ability to schedule recurring events with start and end dates. Includes event notification via email.
  1. Linkage to the association's bank (if allowed by the bank) to pay quarterly assessments.
  1. Viewing and posting of user-submitted classified ads with optional photos.
  1. Responding to association member surveys.
  1. Provides an Administrator-only, menu-driven portal and series of pages for monitoring website activity. Administrators are notified via email of member activity. See the Design Page of this website for an Administrator Portal example.

Please visit the following website which exemplifies a full-featured condominium association website:

Company Website (Non-Association)

Construction of a website for a company or business other than condo associations or HOAs. Website features would include:

  1. Optional Business-specific theme (template) selected from dozens that are available.
  1. Front-page slider with multiple (unlimited) company photos.
  1. Both password-protected (as required) and public website pages.
  1. Normal public (non-password-protected) pages including Welcome, About, Photos, Location, Staff, Activities, Rules, FAQs, Contact Us, etc.
  1. Page-to-page navigation through menus and "return to" buttons.
  1. Ability to blast emails to potential customers and to register customers on the website. Storage of unlimited customer data.
  1. Monitoring customer responses to solicitations.
  1. Online website documentation accessible to the webmaster.
  1. All website functionality is achieved through standard WordPress features (html, photos and text) and popular, vendor-maintained plugins. The website contains no site-specific programming.
  1. Complete customer control and flexibility with limited dependency on the website developer.

Please visit the following website which exemplifies a non-condominium association website developed by WDS: